How to Create a Product-Education Page that Also Converts Customers and Captures Leads

When you look at Google Analytics for your store, under Reports > Traffic > Pages & Screens, chances are you’ll find your Shop, About Us, and Home pages toward the top of the list of pages that get the most views.

What are some other pages you could create that would get significant views and clicks?

If your products require a bit of education to set your customer up for success, you’ll probably want to create a page that does exactly that, and make it easily accessible from your navigation.

And since this will likely become a high traffic page, you should take the opportunity to optimize it either for conversion, or lead capture, or both.

For example, here is a Recipes and Cooking Tips page that I built for Sea to Table using the page builder app Shogun. In addition to providing customers with all the info and recipes they need to succeed with their seafood, the page also includes a lead capture component and a “Shop Now” CTA.

This page consistently ranks in the top ten most viewed pages for Sea to Table, and while the lead capture form isn’t breaking any signup records, it does steadily gather some email addresses for the brand whenever someone signs up to receive a downloadable e-cookbook (which I also created for the brand – get your copy here!).

Follow along as I recreate this page in the video above.


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